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How Organic Waste Collection Important For Environment?



What is a three word term that can save our environment from global warming? Organic Waste Collection. Yes, that’s right. It can save our environment from the serious threat of global warming.

Before diving into the depths of organic waste collection, let’s understand the term Organic Waste.

All types of remains of plants and animals are considered organic waste. Yes, they are identified as waste, but they are crucial to the environment. When organic waste is composted in the soil, they tend to increase the fertility and productivity of the soil.


Why prefer organic waste to be dumped separately from other waste? The reason is scientific and hence logical as well.

Dumping organic waste in a landfill has serious consequences. The first and foremost consequence is when they decompose with ordinary garbage they release heavy odors from gas. This gas has the potential to increase global warming by up to 25% more than other garbage residuals.

This is the reason organic waste collection is necessary. We must collect all organic waste and dispose of it separately. It will abate the release of the poisonous gas and will improve the quality of soil. It will make soil healthy and fertile which will create better conditions for farming.


Before you start dumping rubbish underneath the ground, you need to have a clear understanding of which materials are classified as organic waste. The following list of garbage is considered to be inorganic waste:

So, apart from that everything is organic? Broadly speaking yes, but when we narrow down our answers to specifics, then no, not everything else.

These materials could be disposed of through organic waste collection:

NOTE: The types of organic residuals accepted (as well as the format in which they can be received) varies between organic waste collection recycling facilities.

Why Is Organic Waste Collection and Composting Better?

Let’s learn more about composting. It is a natural process of conversion of organic material into humus or you can say compost with the catalyst being microorganisms.

For the composting process to work best, it is important that the micro-organisms have a continuous supply of food (ie. organic residuals), water, and oxygen. Managing the temperature of the composting materials, as well as the amount of time that the process takes, is critical to success.

Types Of Composting 

Composting can be done in many different ways. Types of composting range from residential or backyard composting to mid-scale and central municipal or industrial systems. Selecting the most suitable method depends on the amount and type of organic materials to be composted.

Residential or backyard composting means that an individual household composts most of its food and yard waste in a container located outside the home. Worm composting is a viable option to compost organic kitchen residuals indoors. At-home composting is the simplest and most cost-effective method for organic waste collection because transportation and processing costs are avoided.

However, not all food and yard waste can be managed so simply. Organic residuals from commercial sources, such as restaurants, supermarkets, apartment buildings and food manufacturers, need to be managed differently. This is where mid-scale and centralized composting fits in.

Both mid-scale and centralized composting involve significantly larger quantities and, often, a greater variety of organic residuals.

Mid-scale composting is the on-site management of organic residuals generated by a group of people, such as in an apartment complex, office building or hospital. This avoids the effort and costs involved in transporting organic residuals to another location – simplifying the organic waste collection process.

If your facility is interested in establishing an on-site composting process for your organics, you must devote the time to ensuring the availability of appropriate processing technology as well as be mindful of any regulatory requirements and operating resources to manage the ongoing composting process.

Centralized composting involves the collection and transportation of organic residuals from your place of operation to a special facility where they will be prepared and processed into compost.

Among the most common centralized organics recycling process technologies are:


Let’s first understand the importance of organic waste collection for our environment,



Organic waste collection is an efficient process to preserve the environment. There is no denying that it is very important for the environment and everything living in it.

Always remember to dispose of organic wastes separately. If you have any input to make the organic waste collection process more simple, please mention it in the comments.