The Best Cleaning Guide To Combat Bacteria And Viruses | Woodcroft Enterprises
The Best Cleaning Guide To Combat Bacteria And Viruses

The Best Cleaning Guide To Combat Bacteria And Viruses

An unhygienic workplace is a significant cause of illness among adults. This is because it involves people from different backgrounds working together in the same environment for hours, which can lead to the spread of infectious diseases.

It is essential to understand the different causes of infectious diseases and how to clean and disinfect the area to prevent a disease outbreak in your workplace, 

This post will highlight the various causes of infectious diseases and ways to disinfect the workplace.

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Causes of Infectious Diseases In The Workplace


Bacteria is a microscopic single-cell organism that can live everywhere. They are larger than viruses and do not need a host to reproduce and survive.

Not all Bacteria cause illness. Some bacteria naturally live in our bodies, helping us digest food, maintain pH, and provide immunity from infections.

However, some bacteria cause deadly infections and are responsible for several disease outbreaks worldwide.


A virus is an invisible molecule that requires a living host to survive and reproduce. Viruses cause extremely infectious diseases because of their simple structure and mode of reproduction. They consist of an outer capsid, a nucleic acid, and a protein coat structure. They reproduce by using their host’s biological material to make numerous copies of themselves in a process called replication.

Viral diseases have caused many epidemics that killed millions of people. However, not all viruses affect humans. Some infect plants and other animals but can mutate into a form that affects humans.

How To Combat These Pathogens

Both viruses and bacteria are invisible to the naked eye, making them impossible to notice. However, you can combat their spread through simple cleaning procedures.


This involves the use of antibacterial or antiviral substances to decontaminate surfaces in the workplace. High-touch surfaces such as desktops, door handles, and elevator buttons should be given much attention. It is essential to clean the surface first before disinfection. This ensures that the disinfectant touches every area.

  1. Sterilization

This involves the use of heat, radiation, or strong chemicals to kill infectious organisms completely. Sterilization is a potentially hazardous procedure, so it requires expertise. Therefore, it’s best to call a professional cleaning company to sterilise your workplace.


This is an intensive decontamination method done to cover all areas in the workplace and destroy even airborne pathogens. The chemicals used in fogging are harmful, so the building needs to be empty before it is carried out. This treatment is performed by professional cleaners who wear full personal protective gear and use breathing apparatus. Fogging is the best way to stop a disease outbreak in your workplace.

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In Conclusion

The process of decontaminating the workplace can be pretty overwhelming. Outsourcing your cleaning services to a competent cleaning company like Woodcroft Enterprises is the best way to simultaneously keep your workplace tidy and combat disease-causing organisms. Give us a call today.