Professional End of Lease Cleaning - Woodcroft Enterprises

Professional End of Lease Cleaning at Reasonable Prices

Professional End of Lease Cleaning

End of lease cleaning in Melbourne sits at the top of the cleaning cost hierarchy. Though important and takes a lot of weight off your shoulders, it doesn’t come for cheap. But is end of lease cleaning in Melbourne really that costly?


Before deciding on a company to handle your end of lease clean, note that not all Melbourne cleaning companies are created equal. Only a handful have enough trained manpower. Even fewer adopt the latest techniques to carry out this kind of service.

End of lease cleaning is not like your regular cleans. You need to know how it differs from other cleaners to see whether you require professional assistance or are better off handling it on your own.

Prices differ from one cleaning company to another. More experienced companies may charge more than others. Unless you go out of your way to read reviews and do your research, there’s no guarantee you’ve actually landed on a good deal.

What’s important is that you have the budget to pay for this cleaning service. Also, it pays to talk to your preferred cleaning company and inform them about your specific requirements. Communicate your needs properly so cleaning companies can customize their services just for you.


So your budget is ready and you already consulted a reputable commercial cleaning company. The question is: do you really need end of lease cleaning?

In certain situations, you can do the cleaning yourself. However, if the space you rented out is too big or you’re inundated with other tasks like packing, organizing, finalizing bills and tending to personal matters, you shouldn’t even think about cleaning.

No need to worry about your vacated property. Just leave it to the cleaning pros.

It’s all on us – cleaning supplies, green cleaning solutions, disinfection, repairs and a lot more. WoodCroft Enterprises is equipped with advanced yet environment-friendly cleaning products and equipment. We adopt the latest cleaning technology and methods and adjust our services according to our clients’ needs.


Our end of lease cleaning services are reasonably priced, covering any or all of the following areas:

  • AC and heating
  • Walls
  • Carpets
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Bathroom (tiles, toilet, sink)
  • Kitchen (counter tops, cupboards)
  • Laundry area
  • Fixtures
  • Fittings
  • Lighting
  • Appliances
  • Stove

We specialize in general cleaning, grease or stain removal and polishing glass and rusted metal wares, brass wares or mirrors. We can restore damaged areas or items back to their original glory.